Wednesday, April 11, 2018

K3: Stuck in Appearances

The world that we live in promotes imagery and appearances of perfection.  It is quite difficult to be your true, authentic, self when the world tells you that you're in constant need of one thing or another.

You need the latest electronic device - because it's the best - it has 2 new features that your current phone doesn't.  You need make-up because it makes you look flawless - as your skin suffers from excessive use of it. You need THIS hair because it's the best on the market - while underneath it you're losing your hair because you're using it.

We are caught up in a world of appearances. We have fancy cars, cloths, houses, fake hair, fake nails, expensive handbags, electronic devices & credit card debt. All of these "things" are MEANINGLESS because it doesn't make you who you are. The REAL you is buried beneath the appearance that "you've got it together".

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