Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Light Bulb Moment...

I was riding in the car listening to the road. No music.  I came to the conclusion that I've got to start "Losing some sleep for my Dreams".  I said to myself, "Self. Huh? Here you are driving to a place where you are now uncomfortable and just took a nap to prepare for the tasks."  Why did I take a nap to prepare for someone else's dream? Isn't my dream worth more? Instead of sleeping I should have been doing something for myself and my vision.

What I'm saying is: I've got to chase my dreams with everything that I have. All my energy, thoughts, vision and action.  Most of all ACTION.  There have been so many times that I've thought about my dreams and visualized them. But I have not moved in the manner which is directed towards the dream.  Boy! Have I been missing my mark.

It's amazing how information will appear when you are seeking the knowledge.

Well, one night last week I was thinking of all that I must do to fulfill my dreams.  I even visualized myself living that dream.  I then received a text message from my husband, telling me to watch a video on youtube.  It was a video collage of Will Smith in different interviews.  He was talking about believing, feeling and taking action towards your goals. He talked about much more.

I then remembered a video that I watched a few years ago.  I saw it again about a month ago and introduced it to my husband.  I was truly moved by the concepts described in the video.  It is called THE SECRET.  A must see! It's about the law of attraction. Wherever you direct your energy... that thing will come to you. It will appear, whether it's negative or positive. So be careful what you think and feel.

Ok. I said all of that... to say this.  If you have a dream, chase it. Don't give up! Give your dream the energy it deserves. You will attract it! Speak it, think it, visualize it..... Live it!!

I'm not just saying this to you.  I'm also saying it for me!
...........Because sometimes you have to be your own cheerleader.......
